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Organized by : Program for the Gifted and Talented, CUHK and a cross-institutional consortium of research investigators from CUHK, PolyU, CityU and EdUHK

About the Project

Jockey Club “Giftedness Into Flourishing Talents” Project

The Jockey Club “Giftedness Into Flourishing Talents” Project (Project GIFT) is launched by the Centre for University & School Partnership, Faculty of Education, the Chinese University of Hong Kong with funding from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to promote school-based talent development and gifted education in Hong Kong. It is a 3-year initiative organized by the Program for the Gifted and Talented of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a cross-institutional consortium with research investigators from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, City University of Hong Kong, the Education University of Hong Kong, with the support of renowned overseas scholars as honorary advisors.


Aims of the Project

  • bring out the best in every student and enhance the strengths and capabilities of all students through developing a local school-based talent search model and an appropriate curriculum model;
  • nurture gifted and talented students and facilitate their whole-person development and positive well-being with school-based/pull-out differentiated curricula and programs;
  • enhance the professional competence of school personnel (including teachers, school social workers and educational psychologists) in talent development and gifted education in schools;
  • provide intensive support to 20 project schools in the implementation of school-based gifted provisions; and
  • conduct research in gifted education, including the assessment of needs and challenges of gifted students and their teachers, and the evaluation of project models and school-based practices to inform future practice and school-based gifted education policy.

Project Focus

Project GIFT is in line with the local gifted education policy and the 3-tier gifted education implementation framework laid down by the Education Bureau, the Government of Hong Kong SAR. The project focus, however, is on the Level 1 and Level 2 school-based gifted education provisions aimed specifically to promote the development of capabilities and talents in every child, and nurture children with giftedness and talents.

The levels of gifted education provisions and the focus of Project GIFT

Impact and Expected Project Outcomes

Project GIFT is intended to impact the Hong Kong community and the field of gifted education through

  • building the capacity of educators to enhance the strengths of students, and to identify and nurture students with giftedness and talents;
  • enabling students to understand their own interests/strengths, as well as developing their giftedness and talents;
  • empowering parents to understand the characteristics and needs of their gifted children and to provide support to help their children in actualizing their potential; and
  • developing evidence-based assessment and intervention programs and practices as well as curriculum and learning resources for future school-based practices.
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Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.
Jockey Club “Giftedness Into Flourishing Talents” Project, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Last updated date: 31st January 2020.